A Beautiful Life: January Review

beautiful-life-12-months-goals-monthly-post-inspired-room-blog2THE INSPIRED ROOM


jan-reviewOK, so I began January late. But I had thought about it all and was prepared. You know how you make a goal and then 

right away the things that challenges you most are all in that area of your life. The getting to it, the being, the doing…you know what I mean. Like when you pick up lots of groceries or whatever and as soon as your arms are full you get an itchy nose…

I had figured Spirituality was a good place for me to start. Build a solid base for the year and all that…I’d have to say that having made the goal, the calendar and posting it on here, I was more aware 

then maybe otherwise. Not that Spirituality and the being that way, are far down on my personal agenda…actually I try to keep it at the top, the main focus….but well, you know, LIFE gets in the way…..but this written goal made me think more about certain things.I was more aware other things, I either hadn’t really noticed or

was taking for Granted.  Like the Creation, what has been created around me. The simple beauty of it all. This heightened awareness has shown up in my photographs this month.


I am slightly behind in Project 365, I have the images just need to upload them. 

Melissa reminds us that the year is 1/12th over already…

the Valentine stuff is in stores already, and Easter temptations are beginning to loom…

what is the mad rush to get through the year…?

I have decided I will be taking the focus of January with me through to February – which has the 3-Fold focus of 

health, exercise and food – meaning good food. 

About Jane

Learning through living and writing the lessons
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